This year seems to be really great for those Java Developers here in Poland who want to learn and listen about new technologies, methodologies, etc. at conference meetings. When I examined conferences calendar I found it very packed with many interesting events. And only one thing is troublesome where you are, like me, freelancing: you have to take a day or two off (so you don’t work and earn money) and moreover, you have to pay for conference with your own cash 🙂 Such situation forces me to analyse and think carefully about which conference to attend and which I should skip.

In the first half of this year there are three big conferences to choose from: 4Developers 2011 in Warsaw,  33rdDegree and GeeCON 2011 both in Cracow. 4Developers isn’t aimed only too Java people so I decided to skip it this year. GeeCON looks very promising but when I recently got information that one of the Wicket authors: Martijn Dashorst will be speaking at 33rdDegree I know that this will be my choice! 🙂

So if you want to:

  • hear about Wicket, about what are the new features in hot new 1.5 version from person as close as is it possible to Wicket developers team
  • attend Android/Scala/Git workshops for free
  • meet one of the most well-known Polish speakers: Jacek Laskowski (when I think “Java Polish blogger” he’s the one to come first to my mind), Sławomir Sobótka (craftsmanship is probably his unrevealed and top secret second name), Szczepan Faber (bartender at Mockito), Paweł Lipiński (great TDD presentation show-man)
  • hear and even talk with Ted Neward, Linda Rising, Sang Shin (who don’t know these names, shame on you! 🙂 )
  • see when Martijn Dashorst (Wicket talk) /Nicolas Leroux (Play talk) / Dierk König (Grails talk) attacks and argue with Matt Raible after his talk Comparing JVM Web Frameworks when Matt will declare that none of Wicket/Play/Grails are best of best web framework? 😉

If you want to be a part of some of these things above, let’s meet at 33rdDegree conference. Coming soon in April 2011 🙂