This post aggregates the  series of Wicket tutorial articles from this blog. But as this tutorial is still not finished and new posts will be published in the near future, please return here again to find new parts or (simpler) just add my RSS to your reader.

Wicket tutorial series

  1. Wicket Tutorial, part 1 – setting up project with Spring 3, JPA 2 and MySQL
  2. Wicket Tutorial, part 2 – adding common layout to the project
  3. Wicket Tutorial, part 3 – first form in our application
  4. Wicket Tutorial, part 4 – custom validator for unique entity name
  5. Wicket tutorial, part 5 – generic unique entity validator
  6. Wicket Tutorial, part 6 – listing locations in a simple manner
  7. Wicket Tutorial, part 7 – editing and removing item locations
  8. Wicket Tutorial, part 8 – adding internationalization support
  9. Wicket Tutorial, part 9 – storing and loading user preferences from cookies

You might also be interested in post Wicket – useful links with other good tutorials, presentations and tools I found useful while learning and using Wicket.