About Me

Hello, I’m Tomek

Currently, I work as Vice President of Engineering at SoftwareMill. Before that for over 15 years I was a Software Engineer (Junior/Regular/Senior) and a Team Leader. After two years spent in management, I have decided to widen my horizons and go back to school again. After extremely intensive two years, in 2024 I graduated at MBA studies at Kozminski University, the #1 business school in Central and Eastern Europe.

More details about experience and career path on My LinkedIn profile.

PS: This website is still partially migrated from my older blog, so not all materials (especially blog posts from years 2010-2020) are here yet :)

Tomasz Dziurko

17 years of experience || 100% team player || can-do attitude

Besides work, I love to make things happen:

  • Member of the organization committee of Confitura - the biggest free-to-attend Java conference in Poland for 3 years
  • Leader of Warsaw Java User Group for 3 years
  • Founder of JVM Poland, the biggest Slack group for Java and JVM languages developers in Poland
  • Founder and Lead Developer of JVM Bloggers: aggregator of JVM blogs, conference talks and podcasts in Poland

From time to time I leave my comfort zone and speak at various events:

  • SoDA Conference 2021, Łódź - panel “Czy lepsza kultura to większa retencja?”
  • 4Developers 2021, online - “Home office to nie praca zdalna, czyli o wspieraniu rozwoju i integracji programistów w czasach koronawirusa”
  • DevCrowd 2016, Szczecin - “Brzydka Pani od HR radzi, czyli 1011 błędów, które popełniają programiści”
  • 33rdDegree 4 Charity 2015, Wrocław - same talk as above
  • Java Developers’ Day 2015, Kraków - - same talk as above
  • SpreadIT 2015, Gliwice - same talk as above
  • Confitura 2015, Warszawa - same talk as above