Elon Musk – an amazing entrepreneur and a difficult person – book review
From time to time I like to read a book about someone extraordinary, with great achievements in some areas that I am interested in (like football, basketbal...
Laruso blog features productivity, tips, inspiration and strategies for massive profits. Find out how to set up a successful blog or how to make yours even better!
From time to time I like to read a book about someone extraordinary, with great achievements in some areas that I am interested in (like football, basketbal...
Few tips to make your TeamSpeak usage a real pleasure
My impressions after six months with Varidesk standing desk
Goodreads – a website for a book readers and why you should care
Moja debiutancka, trochę poważna, trochę żartobliwa prezentacja na konferencji Confitura 2015 o błędach w rekrutacji, błędach w kodzie i jak programista-rekruter postrzega kandydata. Wybrana trzecią najlepszą prezentacją konferencji.
On being too harsh to yourself
(In Polish) Wrażenia z największej bezpłatnej konferencji o Javie w Polsce